Our Services

What We Do

A Globally Diversified Portfolio

Al Maskati Investments W.L.L. actively seeks distinctive opportunities across the private equity landscape, focusing on expansion capital, buyouts, turnarounds, and special situations. Our strategy is to collaborate with adept operators, whether it's the original company management, newly appointed leaders, or third-party experts who bring essential industry insights to enhance investment value. Our investment structures are carefully designed to protect against downside risk while aligning incentives for all stakeholders.

We prioritize sectors that complement the growth dynamics within the GCC, such as industrial, manufacturing, retail, transportation, logistics, healthcare, education, energy—both conventional and renewable—technology, tourism, and financial services.

Embracing a comprehensive life cycle investment approach, we engage actively from inception to divestment, aiming to optimize investor returns. Our diligent pursuit of investment opportunities focuses on mature, innovative projects and businesses where technological risks are mitigated, particularly in later-stage ventures poised for rapid international scaling. Our investment preference leans towards substantial financing rounds that facilitate the expansion of commercial operations abroad—this includes establishing strategic manufacturing sites within the attractive GCC milieu or international commercial endeavors such as distribution networks or franchises.

Moreover, we are enthusiastic about initiating new ventures (greenfield projects) when a robust investment rationale is clear—whether it's a market inefficiency, a distinctive asset, an innovative business model, or a proven technology with high adaptability to the markets we are well-acquainted with.

Multiple Perspectives. One Approach.

We leverage our group's structure to manage assets for both institutional and retail clients. Our mission is to deliver robust fund performance across various asset classes where we hold a sustainable competitive edge. With a dedicated Asset Management Group, our professionals are committed to crafting tailored investment strategies that align with our clients' unique profiles, financial ambitions, and risk appetites. Managing Assets Under Management (AUM) of approximately USD 713 million, we offer a suite of services including Discretionary Portfolio Management, Fund Management, Advisory Services, and a broad spectrum of innovative investment products. Our primary investment goal is to secure long-term real returns, devising solutions that curate a distinctive portfolio mix for our clients.

Our commitment to maintaining our clients' trust is reflected in our asset management team's adherence to transparency throughout the investment decision process. The integrity of our corporate governance is validated through rigorous due diligence by our dedicated Investment Management Committee. With a firm belief in value investing, we are confident that asset prices will inevitably align with their intrinsic value over time. Our approach blends seasoned qualitative acumen with quantitative tools to pinpoint assets and securities poised for long-term outperformance, underpinned by exhaustive research utilizing both top-down and bottom-up methodologies.

Our investment management paradigm is a five-step integrated process: understanding our clients' needs, assessing economic and capital market forecasts, designing and implementing bespoke investment strategies, ongoing portfolio monitoring and rebalancing, and providing clear performance reporting. Acknowledging the importance of risk analysis and comprehension, our solutions incorporate stringent risk management practices to adeptly capture, measure, and mitigate risk. This balanced approach to risk and return, tailored to individual investment goals, enables us to judiciously allocate resources for our corporate and individual clients, optimizing returns.

Identifying and Targeting Potential to Realize Opportunity

Al Maskati Investments W.L.L. is committed to investing in well-established companies that boast robust management teams, standout products or services, and the demonstrated potential to eclipse industry growth. Our investment focus spans across the United States, Canada, Europe, MENA, and Asia, concentrating on sectors where our in-depth industry knowledge and expertise can drive and amplify growth. The Alternative Investments and Infrastructure platform includes our significant ventures in capital investment, healthcare, and real estate and infrastructure. We harness considerable growth opportunities across these domains through proactive portfolio management and strategic capital allocation in both emerging and established markets.

As one of the globe's premier sovereign wealth funds, Al Maskati Investments W.L.L. oversees assets exceeding U.S. $2.9 billion. Our operations encompass six integrated business domains: private and public equity, venture capital, credit, a dedicated investment division, and select sovereign investment partnerships. Each sector adopts a research-intensive, value-driven investment approach, prioritizing capital preservation. We invest across the capital structure in a mix of private and public holdings, both directly and via third-party managed funds, striving to craft a diversified portfolio that delivers outstanding risk-adjusted returns for our shareholders and investors.

Al Maskati Investments W.L.L. stands out as a unique, value-adding investor, sourcing proprietary opportunities globally and utilizing the Al Maskati Investments W.L.L. network to enhance our business endeavors. Our rigorous, institutionally grounded investment evaluation process affords us a competitive edge, yielding benefits that we pass on to our investors. Moreover, we achieve substantial synergies across our business lines, bolstered by our global presence and the strategic insights of our leadership and investment committees.

Real Estate Portfolio Management

From our global offices in Atlanta, London, Bahrain, and Singapore, our adept real estate team orchestrates the structuring, arranging, and management of real estate investments. Our professionals delve into a wide array of opportunities, scrutinizing transaction structures, geographies, and return profiles to present investors with a rich tapestry of compelling real estate ventures. Our portfolio spans warehousing/logistics, self-storage, senior living, residential, resort, mixed-use, business parks, and retail sectors. The team's global footprint stretches from North America to Europe and from the Middle East to Asia, underpinning our strategy to diversify and enrich our investors' opportunities.

The real estate team rigorously evaluates risks, from overarching macroeconomic trends to nuanced issues unique to each project. In collaboration with co-investment partners, the team conducts thorough analyses of post-acquisition execution and exit strategies to ensure value maximization throughout the investment term. Diversification is a cornerstone of Al Maskati Investments W.L.L.'s real estate approach, spanning geography, property sectors, and investment styles. Our focus encompasses a curated selection of 5-10 countries at any given time, targeting office, retail, residential, industrial, and select hospitality sectors, including specific sub-sectors on a case-by-case basis.

Al Maskati Investments W.L.L. Real Estate and Infrastructure operates with the agility to navigate the full gamut of core to opportunistic investments, adapting to market cycles and organizational objectives. While our portfolio is predominantly equity-based, it is also fortified by considerable mezzanine and preferred equity holdings, offering a balanced and robust investment stance.